Get Healthy Now GREEN DVD set!
3 DVDs - 12 hours of inspiring, enlightening, life-saving information!
Experience the amazing and health-giving talks from the Healthy Lifestyle Expo 2006 -- in the comfort of your home!
Here is some of the NEW Information you'll get with this DVD set, which does not appear in any previous Expo DVDs:
* DEPRESSION Neil Nedley MD shows how what you eat influences how you feel, and discusses successful strategies for not just controlling -- but curing depression.
* DIABETES & AUTOIMMUNE DISEASE Joel Fuhrman MD presents the latest research and tells why a particular type of low-fat vegan diet is optimal.
* LONGEVITY John McDougall MD and John Robbins share their thoughts on compelling research that shows not just how to live long, but how to live well.
* OBESITY Several experts will teach you how to lose weight and keep it off permanently.
* HEART DISEASE Cardiology expert Caldwell Esselstyn MD shows definitively how you can avoid the Number One killer in the U.S. Over 1 million Americans die each year from heart disease -- you don't have to.
* BEST DIET Milton Mills MD shows conclusively that the human animal is biologically intended to eat plants, not other animals.
* CANCER T. Colin Campbell PhD shows why cancer is the unnecessar bane of American life.
* CRUELTY Buddhist Rev. Heng Sure offers wisdom on how to eat and live more compassionately
* COOKING DEMOS Learn how to create quick and easy delicious healthy food in the Cooking Demo section with Chef Tanya of Native Foods, David Anderson of Madeleine's Bistro, Ann Esselstyn of Dr. Esselstyn's Heart Disease Reversal Program, and Sabrina Nelson of VegSource.
This is information you could perhaps find piece-by-piece if you visited several different noted medical and health experts -- and if you knew where to look in the first place to find them.
But you can get it ALL right here in this remarkable DVD set!
* Do processed soy products pose as much cancer risk as dairy products? If you drink a lot of soymilk or eat a lot of veggie burgers, the most recent research on the topic -- presented by John McDougall MD -- may concern you.
* Dan Piraro, creator of the hit comic Bizarro, shares an hour of laughter and meaning, with wisdom and insight toward keeping our planet and all its inhabitants healthy and happy -- through the food choices we make.
* There is so much more! The full talks from the full
The DVD set contains the following speakers and talks:
T. Colin Campbell PhD -- "It is Past Time for a Change in Thinking About Diet and Health"
Milton Mills, MD -- "Man Isn't Meant to Eat Meat -- But So What!"
Joel Fuhrman, MD -- “Lose Food Addictions to Maximize Weight Loss”
Dan Piraro, creator of Bizarro --"Bizarro: Cartoons, Comedy, and Compassion"
John Robbins -- "Healthy at 100"
Caldwell Esselstyn, MD -- "A Personal Strategy to Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease"
Cooking demos w/Chef Tanya, Dave Anderson, Ann Esselstyn, Sabrina Nelson
Rev. Heng Sure -- "Feeding Your Relationships With Wisdom and Compassion"
Joel Fuhrman, MD -- "Nutritional Recommendations for Disease Reversal: Autoimmune, Diabetes, Heart Disease"
Neil Nedley, MD -- "Depression Recovery Through Nutrition"
John McDougall, MD -- "Aging in Style"
Expert panel – Expo speakers tale audience Q&A
Shipping/Replacement/Returns: Shipping inside the US is included in the price. When your order is shipped, you will receive a notification with your tracking number. We will replace damaged or defective materials, or incorrect items shipped. No DVD returns accepted, all sales final.
Foreign Customers, please note: Shipping charges for outside the US will be added to your purchase at checkout. The shipping charge to a foreign country is $15.00 for the first three items; shipping is $3.00 per item after the first three items. Buy multiple items, and save money on shipping!
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$ 20.00
$ 50.00
NOTE: The DVD version of this product is currently out of stock. At this time,...
$ 80.00
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